How to do a Kettlebell Goblet Squat

The Kettlebell Goblet Squat is a full-body movement.

The main muscles that are being strengthened are the quads, glutes and calves.

By doing goblet squats, you are also utilizing and strengthening your rhomboids, erector spinae and core, to keep your torso upright and stable. (HINT: This is great for you to improve posture!)

Your arms and grip strength will also be strengthened because you’re holding onto the kettlebell.

There are many other amazing benefits by doing the goblet squat!

These are just a few of the main ones that I have listed here.

You can also see the instructional video on YouTube here, or watch the video below.

Here's how to do the Kettlebell Goblet Squat

Grab the weight.

Bring it up by your chest.

Take a big inhale.

Keep your chest up nice and tall.

Shoot your hips back as you descend into the squat.

Push through your heels.

And exhale at the top.

You may also want to try the Kettlebell Swing exercise

You can see the instructional video on YouTube here, or watch the video below.

The Kettlebell Swing is an excellent power and strength-generating exercise!

It is a full body exercise.

It improves your athleticism, posture and balance.

The Kettlebell Swing targets your hamstrings, glutes, core, hips and the stabilizing muscles of your shoulders and back!

When you do this exercise, remember- slight knee bend and hinge your hips back! (its not a squatting movement, but rather a hip hinge back and forward)

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